Château Spelt (EBC 3-7)
3,90 kr
436 på lager
Prisen er for 100 gram. Ønsker du 500 gram velger du 5 stk, for 1 kg velg 10 stk, for 2,5 kg velg 25 stk osv.
Bestilles det etter oppskrift, for eksempel 480 gram, bestill 500 gram og legg igjen ønsket vekt i kommentarfeltet i kassen.
Château Spelt is a pale, well-modified type of malt. Made from a hard-grained species of wheat (heirloom wheat), it has a higher protein level when compared to other wheat malts. Château Spelt malt imparts a sweet nutty flavor, adds a spicy aroma and an earthy character to your beer. Great for Belgian Saison and Wheat beer styles.
Usage: Belgian saison, wheat beers, special beers. Up to 15% of the mix.
Farge: 3-7 EBC
Produsent: Castle Malting
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